How to Measure True User Sentiment in VDI with DEX

Most VDI customers we talk to cannot answer the question: “Are your VDI users happy?”

“Happiness” or sentiment is a very important metric to measure, because if your users are unhappy, then is your job done? For every user who calls the help desk about a problem, 25 others don’t.

We have seen customers do many things to understand whether users are happy:

  • surveys to measure user happiness
  • use synthetic workloads to gauge performance
  • use thresholds for cpu/memory/bandwidth/latency to derive user experience
  • analytics on helpdesk calls to understand user experience

In our experience, surveys are the best method to measure true user sentiment. But they cannot be done offline and infrequently. Any VDI environment is changing constantly even for a single user – endpoint, network, data center/cloud region, guest OS, drivers, etc. A user may have the best user experience one day and a terrible user experience the next day.

Like other products e.g. Teams and Zoom that ask a survey question after a session, we embedded surveys into the Workspot client as shown below.

IT can choose the frequency with which surveys are administered to end users. There are a few things that surprised us when this feature was implemented:

  • Only about 10% of all your users will respond to the survey
  • The same users will often respond multiple times to a survey
  • Users respond both positively and negatively to the survey multiple times, often more than once a day
  • Users will put in text feedback, and it often related to things happening inside the guest OS, e.g., application not working, application crashing, change in application behavior, etc.

In Workspot Trends, our historical DEX product, we show historical user sentiment and many more charts to help you understand why a user may be happy while another is not happy.

In Workspot Watch, our real-time DEX product, we show alarms for user experience – when a user responds with a 1 or 2 star. There is a lot more detailed data for the user who is indicating a user experience problem.

Uncover the True Sentiment of Your VDI Users
Don’t let poor user experiences go unnoticed. With Workspot’s built-in surveys and advanced DEX tools, you gain real-time and historical insights into user sentiment to address issues before they impact productivity.

Discover how Workspot can help you:

  • Accurately measure user happiness and sentiment
  • Identify and resolve user experience issues in real-time
  • Improve IT efficiency and deliver a better VDI experience

Want to see it in action? Request a live demo to explore how Workspot’s DEX solutions can transform your VDI user experience.

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Is cloud-based Desktop as a Service (DaaS) really more expensive than on-premise VDI? The truth may surprise you. With AI-driven optimizations and a consumption-based model, DaaS can dramatically reduce costs while improving flexibility and performance. Discover how Workspot helps businesses optimize cloud spending and eliminate wasted infrastructure.

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