Simplicity + Enterprise- Ready: The Peanut Butter and Chocolate of Cloud PCs

When it comes to enterprise software, you’ve always made tradeoffs and hard choices. In particular, simplicity and enterprise-class features just don’t seem to go together. And with VDI, while legacy solutions are enterprise-ready, the notion of simplicity didn’t even enter anyone’s mind. The analogy has been drawn many times: Two things that just don’t seem to go together, like peanut butter and chocolate, yet it turns out they are amazing together. People love it. Hence peanut butter cups, peanut butter M&Ms, and chocolate covered, peanut butter pretzels! Well, now Workspot Cloud PCs combine virtual desktop simplicity with enterprise-readiness… and people love them!

There’s little doubt that enterprise-class software is complex. As we’ve talked about many times, virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) in particular, which is most often deployed in medium to large enterprise organizations, is notoriously complex. Virtual desktops deployed using legacy VDI solutions take months to implement, and you’ll no doubt pay exorbitant license fees (up front, before you ever know it works) and pay expensive consultants to get it done. As a result, the conventional wisdom is that a complete, enterprise-class solution can’t be simple. Workspot has changed all that. The peanut butter and chocolate of the modern virtual desktop implementation is simplicity + enterprise-class capabilities. I bet you still think they are mutually exclusive, right? It’s hard to imagine these two things together, but that’s Workspot’s whole reason for being. Here’s how we do it.

Simplicity is Job One

If you think back to the good ‘ole days of deploying and managing Exchange servers, you’ll surely remember how painful everything about that experience was. There’s a good reason why on-prem Exchange servers have pretty much disappeared, and that reason is Office 365. With Office 365, IT teams no longer have to worry about storage, or upgrades, or patches, or performance. By adopting the Office 365 cloud service, everything has been dramatically simplified, yet the solution is very much enterprise-ready and enterprise-proven. That’s what we’ve achieved at Workspot. Our Cloud PC service alleviates IT teams from worrying about the “I” in VDI. You don’t have to deal with virtual desktop infrastructure anymore – forget about servers, storage, networking, and hypervisors. Forget about managing all the elements of a VDI control plane. We do that for you. That’s a dramatic simplification. We’ve made it insanely simple for you, precisely because we know the pain of complex, legacy VDI solutions. Here’s the 1, 2, 3 of Workspot Desktop Cloud on Azure:

1. Simply decide which Azure or GCP regions are closest to your users

2. Our Customer Success team gets you up and running in as little as a day

3. Manage everything across Azure regions globally from a single console

The Only Enterprise-Class, Cloud-Native Solution

Ok, we’ve made the deployment really simple, but how are we uniquely meeting enterprise requirements? Here are just a few ways:

1. The Cloud PCs are created from your corporate Windows 10 image, not a generic image

2. The Cloud PCs inherit all your existing security and networking policies

3. The Cloud PCs connect to your existing AD and 2FA



No other solution satisfies enterprise requirements this way, and we haven’t even talked about scalability or security yet! With Workspot, it’s easy to scale up or down depending on your needs. When it comes to security, you have to drill down on how it works with other solutions. Workspot provides a fundamentally different level of security that begins with our architecture; we completely separated the control plane and data plane – no one else does this. That means that your corporate data, user credentials, and other PII never enters our control plane. That is not true with other solutions, and that creates a data security risk that you can’t tolerate. Next, when you combine Workspot with Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud, there are multiple layers of security. Watch for those details in our blog series on Cloud PC security beginning next week!

Most CIOs are quickly reducing their datacenter footprint because the economic and agility benefits of the public cloud are too compelling to ignore.  As part of that initiative, it’s time to modernize on-premises VDI solutions (or adopt a new virtual desktop and workstation solution); desktop workloads can be easily transitioned to a cloud service. You only have two cloud-native virtual desktop services from which to choose: Workspot and Amazon Workspaces (and a cloud-native solution is really, really important). Making the move to Cloud PCs not only dramatically simplifies your IT infrastructure, it gives you the freedom to reallocate IT resources to more valuable projects, and it provides a level of business agility that has never before been achievable. Can you see the possibilities?  That’s the magic our customers get with Workspot’s unmatched combination of simplicity and enterprise-class features.

Let us show you how it works – request a live demo!

Cloud PCs

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Is cloud-based Desktop as a Service (DaaS) really more expensive than on-premise VDI? The truth may surprise you. With AI-driven optimizations and a consumption-based model, DaaS can dramatically reduce costs while improving flexibility and performance. Discover how Workspot helps businesses optimize cloud spending and eliminate wasted infrastructure.

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