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Workspot VDI for Manufacturing

Dan O’Farrell, Workspot VP of Product Marketing


Manufacturing organizations have grown to rely on VDI technology to address multiple needs across their end user computing (EUC) to help ensure endpoint device security, enable productive and timely work for end-users including

  • shop floor control
  • task workers in shipping and logistics
  • call center agents
  • digital signage
  • local and online order administrators
  • local and remote engineers and designers
  • ….. and others who require an excellent digital experience (DEX) while IT teams retain strict management and control over endpoints located anywhere.

With traditional VDI solution providers now straining to meet the needs of manufacturing organizations due to costly and cumbersome technology developed over two decades ago, Workspot offers instant relief to manufacturers with a modern, cloud-native VDI solution that delivers the best of VDI without the glaring drawbacks that currently hinder traditional VDI which is showing signs of collapsing under its own weight. Great for virtual apps and desktops located either within on-prem data centers or in the manufacturer’s cloud(s) of choice, the Workspot unified enterprise VDI platform is surprisingly easy to manage and operate while offering consistently great end-user performance, up to “4 nines” availability, and 1-click recovery from any form of either natural or man-made disruption, including ransomware/malware attacks that threaten business every day.

In manufacturing, great “always on” end-user digital experiences (DEX) are key to maintaining maximum production, happy customers, and strong company performance. At Workspot, we’re proud to help manufacturers achieve their best results with uncompromised security, compliance, and control. You can learn more about Workspot’s role in enabling manufacturing organizations in the new solution brief, https://go.workspot.com/WS-Manufacturing.
