Dudek Processes Drone Images 10x Faster in Parallel Workspot Cloud Workstations


• Workspot Workstation Cloud in Microsoft Azure
• Workspot Desktop Cloud in Microsoft Azure
• Cloud workstations and cloud PCs are placed in the Azure region closest to the user
• Project data is uploaded from drones to a cluster of cloud workstations in Azure
• Project data is processed and engineers can visualize it using any device, anywhere
• Survey engineers use any device to access the ArcGIS app on cloud workstations
• Disaster recovery is built-in to the solution


• Data uploaded from drones is processed in a fraction of the time it took previously
• Data can be visualized in real-time, no matter where the engineer is located
• Survey engineers are delighted with better performance than physical workstations
• Legacy VDI Users can look forward to superior performance & reliability
• The business is able to be more responsive to our customers’ needs
• IT gets simplified infrastructure, fewer management headaches, lower CapEx
• Disaster recovery is vastly improved with work-anywhere capability

Dudek Video Transcript

This is the state of emergency still unfolding in kauai this morning as Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano erupted sending scorching molten lava flowing through neighborhood streets.

I’m born and raised on Oahu and over the years of living here we’ve had our share of natural disasters we’re the first sets of eyes and ears essentially for those who will be making the decisions as to what needs to get done to mitigate this natural disaster so when Dudek is responding to an emergency we don’t have the luxury of time to take the data back and take two or three days to process it, we need to get it back into the hands of the emergency responders as quickly as possible so they can help those in need.

Any company can get out and do an assessment of damage on a facility, the high value for our clients is actually what we do with that data afterwards.

Prior to Workspot on Azure we were running these image processing jobs on the workstation and these jobs could take three four five days to process. We were winning work faster than we could process the job so we actually had to throttle back some of the processes [as they] will fail for some reason. Before it would take us 24 hours before we could see the result to see that it failed, and then have to restart so now with Workspot on Azure we were able to process the jobs that have been taken three four five days down to processing multiple jobs in one day.

The technology has shifted from being the bottleneck to being the enabler and in fact is now our competitive advantage, for example with hurricane Dorian that’s going on right now we got a call yesterday to be in South Carolina on Sunday, mandatory evacuations now in full swing from Florida to the Outer Banks of the Carolinas, more than a million people have already been ordered to leave. So we have teams that are located all over the United States they’ll do the flight upload the date at night then by Monday they’ll have a full assessment of any damage that was done to the site using the Azure Workspot environment.

It’s really interesting that i can be using a small computer but i’m actually running four or five or six Workspot workstations all at the same time, and so again you might see me sitting there at a surface go think well that’s a really small computer for what you’re doing it’s not what i’m using i’m using this entire Azure environment.

We used to have to spec out these high-end mobile workstations now we’re able to go with a more cost effective device a solid piece of hardware something like the Surface Go we’re able to be more flexible we’re able to issue this device and that’s their window into the Workspot VM.

The business has probably done a three to four time growth in the last two to three years but the office staff has stayed the same. The only way we’re able to do that is we have you know one person working on six different Workspot workstations compared to our on-prem VDI.

Our engineers are much more productive they’re able to just get in get their job done and not worry about the technology working.

Learn more about Workspot’s Cloud Workstations

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